The Masterclass:
What you need to do (and NOT do) to start your practice. Plus, the Startup Checklist that has participants squealing “Dr. Z, where have you been my whole life?!”
Intertwined with my fun-loving personality is an anal-retentive, rule-following, detail-oriented bookkeeper just fighting to get out.
The systematic questions you need to answer to launch your practice and that “Ready to Open To-Do List” is reason alone to love this class. But hold on, there’s more…
I also cover what you do not need to get going and where you can save money, the pros/cons of Telemedicine vs Brick/Mortar vs Hybrid practices, the 11 Pillars Practice Business Plan, and an intro to legal, licensing, financing and tax information.
This is what I call the “Business of Health”.

The Masterclass:
You’ve built the framework but how do you get the patients? That’s marketing and this is the only class you’ll need that is specific to Functional Medicine.
Welcome to The Masterclass series, a celebration of skill, systems, and savvy business ownership. Not everyone can make practice building enjoyable, but we pull it off.
Practice Growth isn’t about struggle or click funnels or SEO ads.
When you are crystal clear about your ideal patient, messaging, and how to do this correctly – then patient building is as smooth as melted butter.
This class includes essential social media know-how, email marketing, speaking, webinars, networking, launches, and so much more…ALL customized for a Functional Medicine practice.

The Masterclass:
I know systems don’t sound sexy, but this is where the gold is! Organization, efficiency, and practice precision is what will set you free!
This is the backend of your practice. It might not excite you, but this is what will give you the freedom to focus on your patients and “just be the doctor”.
This is what will allow you the elusive “work-life balance”, the ability to scale or even sell your practice down the road.
This is what allows me to take off a month at a time for a vacation. Doesn’t that sound good?
This class is filled with the paths, patterns, and routine you need to run a successful practice. It is very detailed information on everything from email to money to chart notes to hiring to HIPAA to forms to practice policies.

Business Doesn’t Have to be Boring
It helps when you are doing something you love (check the box), you know exactly how to achieve it (hello FMA), and you have the support of a community (friends that speak your language!).
So why all this talk about “fun”? Because even challenging tasks are “easier” when you make it enjoyable.
Consider following our lead – we are dead serious about quality patient care and a thriving, profitable practice – but still manage to make it a party.
This will bolster you through any practice building challenges and also models for your patients how to navigate the valleys on their healing journey.
Life isn’t a dress rehearsal – this is it.
So let’s go for it and build that dream practice of yours. Cue the lights, the show must go on!

Stand by Me
6-Figure Practitioner Clarity Session
When the night has come. And the land is dark. And the moon is the only light we’ll see. I won’t be afraid…and I don’t want you to be afraid.
A little bit of nerves? Sure! That’s only normal…but I want you to be able to feel the fear and do it anyway.
Experience will quell the anxiety and the doubts.
Until then, you can borrow my experience. Let’s get on the phone and talk. Let me see where you are at and what direction might be best for your dream practice.
I’ll stand by you.
Instant Access – “I Want It Now!”
Video training edited into bite-sized sections - ready to watch!

Everything you need to know about the “Business of Health”

Big picture and long-term planning from startup to scale to sell

Master “To-Do” and Key Checklists - step-by-step guides!

Marketing tailored to the Functional Medicine practitioner

Free or low-cost backend practice solutions - efficiency!

Deep Thoughts
by Dr. Brandy Zachary, DC, IFMCP
I’ll Have What She’s Having
One of the most memorable lines from the 1989 movie “When Harry Met Sally”. Aside from the humor in that scene, the line reminds me when practitioners worry about competition.
The only real competition is with yourself.
The entire block could be lined with Functional Medicine clinics and it doesn’t matter - if you are clear about what you offer then the right people will find you.
It is a skill though, it doesn’t just magically happen.
But act like a horse running a track and put your blinders on - look straight ahead. It doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing - you are running your own race.
Frustrated with Conventional Medicine? Looking for something different?
If you are a practitioner tired of serving up pills but no solution or a patient struggling to get answers…you’ve come to the right place.
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