FM Network rocks

Forget about “lone wolf” thinking, that model is dated. Keep reading to find out why you’re going to want to be my BFF.

In The Network we get to feature you and share your awesomeness with our audience. It’s not just potential patients though, you’ll also be connected to our group of practitioners across our many programs.

This means never having to sit at the lunch table alone again. You’ve got a squad now.


FMA Network Rocks

The first thing you’ll notice is this isn’t just an ordinary group – there are no trolls, mean or discouraging voices in the bunch. There’s no competition. All that negativity you encounter in most online groups is a waste of energy – and in the FMN community – we’ve got places to go, things to do, lives to change!

The group is kept small (ish) so you have time to make real connections. We’re tight and just meant to be together. Like peanut butter and jelly.

Mastering Functional Medicine clinical skills and ninja business practice savvy is what we are about. Doing it in a way that works for you, your family, your health and building a sustainable future is essential to the plan.

Look below and you’ll see you get access to this unique, one-of-a-kind, never-done-this-way-before “Find a Practitioner” search engine, a VIP ticket to our annual virtual event, special socials & surprises throughout the year, plus my charming personality in our closed Facebook group.

I care about your success and hanging out with me means getting my clinical expertise, generations of entrepreneurial experience, strategic brilliance, and exuberant optimism and encouragement along the way!

(I gave up being humble and calmly accepted my strengths in my late 40’s. I highly recommend it – it’s very liberating. Just don’t ask me to lift anything heavy, run a distance, or be your history trivia partner as that’s not my jam.)

Being “The Dr. Z” online means I have to talk about me, but really this is about your success, your dream practice and your achievements.

Just know I’m with you.

Show Me The Patients!

Help Me Find New Patients consults

How can I consistently get new patients?

That’s the question we get most often for the FM Network. The answer is – it varies based on which of the 6 New Patient sign up methods you choose to use – but don’t worry – we’ve got you!

If you want to sign up for the Functional Medicine Network, you can just click the “join” button and dive right in – one of the best moves for getting found by new patients online!

But if you’re curious to learn more about our clinical certification and practice building programs, plus HOW to get the Functional Medicine Network for FREE – then we should hop on the phone first!

Curious to know more? Sounds good, sign me up!

Schedule now for your “Help Me Find New Patients” consult (while space is left!)

Your Golden Ticket

Patient REFERRALS meets social networking
with a dash of practice building and
a spoonful of nostalgic campfire togetherness
without the guitar-playing counselor or sticky S’mores.
(Yes, this is better!)

Icon feather arrow down

Fun, Fabulous Features

Savings when you
pay in full
for FM Network

Discount Coupon

Part of our

Referral Network

Patient or Client
that help to
showcase YOU

Affliate Resource

VIP ticket to
our annual

VIP Annual ticket

backlinks to
YOUR website
& social media

Facebook group icon

virtual Network
socials &
special events

Annual Event Tickets
FMA Network Vanity Card

Deep Thoughts

by Dr. Brandy Zachary, DC, IFMCP

Frustrated with Conventional Medicine? Looking for something different?

If you are a practitioner tired of serving up pills but no solution or a patient struggling to get answers…you’ve come to the right place.

Add your name and email to either our practitioner or our patient list to receive free classes, helpful Functional Medicine resources and advance notice for all special offers!

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